Be on Time…Be Wealthy…

Time is money, said by many wiser persons. And also it’s spoken by all of us time and again. And all of us want money all the time.

But in reality, we tend to forget the say. No one wants to waste money. So why time. I have experienced many times for many public gatherings, the people never reach out on time. Very few people take efforts to be on the time decided for a reason. When people don’t reach on time, they are not wasting only their time but people who really cares for time and respect the time, also loose out as though they being on time, the delay in leaving is bound to happen on the account of late comers.

People with the habit of reaching late for any reason undergo many strees and difficulties personally and psycologically as well. The moment you realise you are late to reach any where, you be stressfull. Then you accelerate the vehicle, which is risky all the time to break speed limits. We the impatient drivers on road have a habit to rush because of not leaving little early from origin. We see havoc on Indian roads is mainly for, we don’t care to have little extra time with us. We do not plan the time in advance, and in turn many precious minutes and hours are wasted of ours and others too.

And respecting the time is a part of the habit. Habits form the character of a person. The person who respect time will always be punctual and maintain the discipline. The desciplined person is mostly the committed for all his deeds. Committed person is always reliable and trustworthy. It’s a chain of good habits which is linked with being on time. Being punctual saves a person from many last moment rushes and stressful instances. Stress built-up mainly because of delay, causing many health hazards. Issues related to health costs lots of hard earned money.

Being on time, thus, saves lots of money. Not only this, there are many incentives for being on time. Being saved from last minute stress is the big peace of mind. Being relaxed when in no hurry is a true joy. When we manage our time and others time efficiently, we tend to manage everything else really well. Well managed person attracts money and creat lots of wealth.

Being wealthy by developing a habit of punctuality is your choice. Be on time to be wealthy.

Sunil Chaporkar – I believe, Time is precious…