Search… Engage… Transact…

Power of the three… This universe is existing on the power of three… The Creator, The Maintainer and the Destroyer…The Brahma…The Vishnu and The Mahesh…The Proton,The Electron and The Neutron…The Satva, The Raja and The Tama…Everything in the universe is initiated, then sustained and then concluded….and the cycle goes on…

Today, when our daily routine depend on and around internet, the three powerful words are, Search, Engage and Transact… everything we do on internet through any media can be classified into these three words only…In real life too, what we do can mainly be classified into these three words. Why we are born, there is a reason and the purpose of life is to be searched. Very few though, have been able to identify their purpose of being existed in this universe.

Who have been able to search the purpose of being, go further on the path to get engaged with it. Engagement with the purpose lead to eternal transaction with the universal power and ultimately they find what may be called as Nirvana…

However, as a human being we normally keep on searching for everything, which give us pleasure and happiness. May it be the career, the wealth, the relationships, the material benefits. Once we find anything we wanted, we get engaged so much into it we forget everything else. We tend to forget that we also have many other tasks at hand which need to be done on priority. Many of us, forget to complete the cycle of power of three, and without transaction the object or material can not belong to us, we miss the bus at times and then, losing heart and gaining pain remains.

The life is so simple and give us a choice to micro-refine the search criteria same as internet to be very choosy and specific about what we need to find, and the life, same as any search engine on the internet give very specific search results with so many options to fulfil your need. It’s we and our love to materialistic approach, we tend to put in everything what we want in the search toolbar, and as a result, we get very vague and unrelated search result, even if we want to engage in achieving, we fail many a times.

The life has all the answers crawled and every file available on the server of universe. Try to be specific and then see the search result. Also, before putting in any search query, be ready to put everything to get engaged to achieve it and have the cost of the object or your search criteria ready, so that when you find what you want, you can transact immediately. Be ready to pay the price…

The life is yours…The life is best…Refine your keywords and you are the winner…