God can’t reach everywhere, for he created Doctors…

Angels are there. They are among us. I came across the one. I, being a part of an organization working for Entrepreneurs and managed by Entrepreneurs called BNI, forms the group of business persons where a member representing a business forms a strong network with other business persons doing different business and they work for each other generating strong and worthy referrals which has high potential for conversion. The beauty of this group is, only one person from a business can be a part of the group. Hence no competition among group members.

To generate strong referrals, one needs to learn the other person and his or her business thoroughly. Hence BNI has developed a structured one to one meeting format with specific information to be shared with each other. The process is so powerful that help knowing the person and his business including his vision, mission, values and future plans including who are his customers and what they believe about his or her products and services.

This one to one meeting actually help forming the business partnerships as well. To cut the long story short, I happen to meet a person, who I till now knew as a nutrition expert and a lady doctor with a glowing smile and a charming personality. While sharing the accomplishments, two inspiring incidents she shared with me, which literally made me salute her and it sparked me, that whether or not, God can’t reach everywhere hence he sprinkled Doctors on the earth.

The Angel, we know her by the name Dr Sontara Singh, before coming in to private practice was a part of Government mechanism to treat and counsel HIV positive patients to not reach them to state of AIDS.

Here comes the first incident. There was a family having young couple and three kids, all HIV positive. The girl child of this family ageing eight years was suffering from huge lump of around eight kg in her stomach and was looking and walking like a pregnant lady. Imagining an eight year old girl in the situation itself is so painful, Doc came to the rescue of this young child and wanted to operate her to make her free from the situation. As usual she had no one to help her operate this child, on top of it she faced with the question that why are you taking risk of your life while you don’t know how much this child is going to live even after operating her. Shocked by the resistance, she asked all who raised this question, she raised a question to all about who know who is going to live how long. Leaving everyone apart, she went to operate this little child all alone and to her wise act, the success had to follow. That day and now. The child today is grown up to a young lady and living better under proper medication. Hats off.

Here comes the another case. The Doctors treating HIV positive people are taught to counsel patients to not have a pregnancy in any case as there are high chances the baby will be HIV positive too. There came an HIV positive couple to her who desperately wanted to have a child of their own. And even after so much counseling and taking care of this couple do not carry the pregnancy, the couple went over ignoring all caution to carry on with pregnancy. This was a very difficult situation for any Doctor to treat a pregnant lady who is HIV positive carrying a pregnancy to keep the child in the womb free from HIV. Dr Sontara Singh being an expert of treating HIV patients and also having professional expertise in advanced nutrition, prepared an action plan and she was actually in war with HIV to keep the baby away from infection. The complete pregnancy period, she went hand in hand with  would be mother taking care physically and psychologically, the God was on her side. And the baby born, born free from HIV.

I truly believe now. Angels are there. They are among us. In any form they can come in our life. I believe firmly after meeting Dr Sontara Singh, “Service to humanity is the best work of life.

Dr Sontara Singh is now Advanced Nutrition Practitioner and help people develop a lifestyle which help them loose or gain appropriate weight which help them live healthy and happy.